1:1 Holistic Hormone Coaching with Iris Josephina (FHS) Waitlist 

  • Are you experiencing issues with your menstrual cycle/fertility like PMS, PCOS, gut issues, fatigue, low energy, mood swings, painful periods, etc. and you really want to feel like yourself again?
  • Are you seeking to quit hormonal birth control and are you looking for a supportive container to nourish your body along the way?
  • Are you in the process of trying to conceive (and/or in IVF trajectory) and really could use guidance to support your body, mind and spirit in the best way possible?

Then you may benefit from 1:1 in-depth holistic hormone & cycle coaching. Know that when you commit to your own healing by working with me, that you will receive personalized guidance and attention, and that you will be accessing years of experience as well as thousands of hours of research and working with people who are exactly where you are. 

Get on the waitlist to be the first one to hear when Iris starts taking 1:1 clients again.

1:1 Holistic Hormone Coaching with Iris Josephina (FHS) Waitlist 

  • Are you experiencing issues with your menstrual cycle/fertility like PMS, PCOS, gut issues, fatigue, low energy, mood swings, painful periods, etc. and you really want to feel like yourself again?
  • Are you seeking to quit hormonal birth control and are you looking for a supportive container to nourish your body along the way?
  • Are you in the process of trying to conceive (and/or in IVF trajectory) and really could use guidance to support your body, mind and spirit in the best way possible?

Then you may benefit from 1:1 in-depth holistic hormone & cycle coaching. Know that when you commit to your own healing by working with me, that you will receive personalized guidance and attention, and that you will be accessing years of experience as well as thousands of hours of research and working with people who are exactly where you are. 

Get on the waitlist to be the first one to hear when Iris starts taking 1:1 clients again.